Congratulations @WorkforcePool for winning Pi's first #BuildPi2gether Hackathon in the business category!
Workforce Pool is a talent marketplace app where Pioneers can hire others or get hired with Pi.
Learn more about the Pi Hackathon: minepi.com/blog/hackathon…
From the team: "Taking part in the hackathon has no doubt shown us the amount of enthusiasm and conviction of this incredible community; we are truly blessed and humbled. We look forward to the journey ahead as pioneers paving the way for the future of Pi Network’s ecosystem."
--恭喜WorkforcePool赢得 Pi 的第一名商业类的黑客马拉松!
Workforce Pool 是一个人才市场应用程序,先驱者可以在这里雇佣其他人或被 Pi 雇佣。
来自团队:“参加黑客马拉松无疑向我们展示了这个令人难以置信的社区的热情和信念;我们真的很幸运和谦卑。我们期待着作为先驱者为 Pi 的未来铺平道路的未来旅程网络的生态系统。”